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Nutrition and hydration of the hiker or mountaineer

It is not strange to see, while we are travelling through physically demanding mountain or trekking routes, people who are running out of energy, with their faces disjointed and in a worrying state of health. I have asked myself many times what will be the cause of this physical deterioration and the answer may seem easy, bad physical preparation and lack of training, inadequate rhythm, excess weight in the backpack, bad choice of route... but there is something that we normally forget and that can be a determining factor in the success of our activity, a correct planning of our hydration and diet.

Hikers on a hiking trail

Mountaineer resting in the Pyrenees

The success of a long-term activity depends largely on the energy input. Due to their characteristics, the mountain routes or the long distances of some hiking trails will increase the energy requirements of the human organism. But this inherent extra effort should not make us fall into the error of thinking that it will be enough to eat to the fullest during the activity. Before facing it we would need to nourish ourselves well the days before, as well as during and after the activity.

Food plan

Hydration is another fundamental pillar for successfully carrying out our objective, as water is lost through perspiration, urine and breathing. Not drinking enough water can cause major organic imbalances.

Hydration Plan

We usually invest a lot of time in selecting the material to carry out our activities but less time in selecting the food that will serve as fuel for the body. However, food and drink are essential for performance, strength and endurance, which is why it is so important to plan our diet and hydration.

It is not about being expert sports nutritionists but about having clear and simple concepts that each one of us must apply according to our needs and physical and health conditions.

Table with food


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