Long live the Mountain! Spectacular itineraries, emblematic summits, narrow corridors, demanding stretches... Trekking routes and ascents that will allow you to feel all the strength of the mountain and enjoy an unforgettable experience.
Difficulty-MediumGreen difficulty category, level 3. Excursions of moderate distance and unevenness, not overcoming either great distances or unevenness.
Difficulty-ModerateRed difficulty category, level 1. More demanding routes, either because they are longer, with greater slope or present some specific difficulty.
Difficulty-ModerateRed difficulty category, level 1. More demanding courses, either because they are longer, more uneven or have a specific difficulty.
Difficulty-HighCategory of difficulty red, level 3. Mountain routes in not very steep terrain, in which there are no major difficulties. They need sufficient experience and training for this type of terrain.
Difficulty-ModerateRed difficulty category, level 1. More demanding routes, either because they are longer, with greater slope or present some specific difficulty.
Difficulty-MediumCategory of difficulty green, level 3. Excursions of moderate distance and level difference, not overcoming even large distances or slopes.