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Did you know that... San Miguel

It is a place that together with Trasorras form the parish of San Miguel do Camiño in the council of Castroverde, at the foot of the hills Bidueiros, Trasorras and Coto, in the valley of the river Chamoso. San Miguel do Camiño, according to a document dated August 15, 1187, was linked to the Order of Santiago when the owners of the place recognized the lordship and assumed the vassalage to the House of San Marcos de León, which was the seat of the Order of Santiago, thus remaining under the shelter and protection of the Order. The Order of Santiago, like that of the knights of Saint John of Jerusalem, extended along the Jacobean routes; its hospitals, properties... were milestones on the Primitive Way. They were in charge of protecting the pilgrim and as military-religious orders they were, to fight against the Saracen.

San Miguel

To discover What to see in San Miguel?

San Miguel is immersed in a rural landscape of fields and orchards where fountains and streams let their waters flow in search of the Chamoso River. In a hillock, known in the place as the Rock, presiding over the landscape, the parish church of San Miguel do Camiño keeps in its interior a beautiful neo-Gothic altarpiece, a wooden parish cross of one meter, and a chalice of silver of the seventeenth century.


San Miguel do Camiño celebrates Santiago on July 25.


In Galicia the roads are called congostras and the hills outeiros.


The river Chamoso is the originator of this valley and the one that possibly gave its name to the County of Flammoso, settled in the area and one of the eleven belonging to the Suevo Kingdom of Galicia.

San Miguel do Camiño

The Leg​end

Oral history tells us that in these areas, in a confrontation with the Napoleonic troops, the locals managed to finish off all the French, leaving only one Napoleonic soldier, called Bousón, alive but very battered, whom they took care of until he was healed. Seeing himself completely recovered, the soldier did not want to leave, because during his convalescence he fell in love with the villager who cared for him and the place that became his home.

Get to San Miguel by car

San Miguel can be reached from Castroverde via a small detour on the LU-530 road that also connects it with the capital Lugo.

By bus

The bus line that covers the service Lugo-Fonsagrada, daily and at different times stops in the town Castroverde, near San Miguel. The telephone number for further information is 982 222 900.

By train

The closest train station to San Miguel do Camiño is Lugo.

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List of Routes
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7:55 h.30.8 km.

Stage 09 O Cádavo-Lugo
Difficulty-ModerateRed difficulty category, level 1. More demanding stages, either because they are longer, more uneven or have a specific difficulty.
Abbey of Samos
Samos, Lugo
Abbey of Samos

Samanos, meaning place where religious live in community

Castro of Chao Samartín
Castro, Principado de Asturias
Castro of Chao Samartín
Museum Fortress of San Paio de Narla
Castronela, Lugo
Museum Fortress of San Paio de Narla

One of the oldest castles in the province of Lugo

Sanctuary of Santa María la Real Do Cebreiro
O Cebreiro, Lugo
Sanctuary of Santa María la Real Do Cebreiro

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