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Did you know that... Villaluz

It is a village that, belonging to the parish of Obona in the council of Tineo, where the Primitive Way passes, is located to the west of the town of Tineo. It has a livestock environment par excellence and is surrounded by beautiful forests.


To discover What to see in the Villaluz?

In Villaluz the old hermitage of the Christo is in the middle of a green field, a little separated from the village. Villaluz shows the typical rural constructions with its hórreos in the quintanas, paneras, stables... and its new hermitage also dedicated to the Cristo del Socorro and in front of the other side of the road a washing place with slate roof calls the attention. The village is surrounded by wonderful landscapes that delight the view.


Villaluz celebrates the festivity of its patron saint, Santo Cristo del Amparo, on the third Saturday in September.


In the celebration of the festivity of its patron it is customary to carry out a dinner in brotherhood. And after giving an account of tasty food, what better than to end the party with some cheerful dances.


In a quiet wooded area, where today there are tables and benches for rest and enjoyment of nature, a few years ago games of Celtic bolus were still played here, their testimony is left by a slab or flat stone that was where bowling was placed.

Villaluz of Laundry

The Legend

Leaving Villaluz, very near, in the hamlet of Vega de Rey, runs a popular story that tells how once the king rode in those parts liked so much what he saw that getting off his saddle and taking a handful of land interpel to a neighbor there present, who is this land now? to which the restless vassal replied: yours lord. So the place became real property.

Get to Villalluz by car

Villaluz can be reached via the TI-3 local road that links it with Piedratecha and Tineo on one side and with Borres, Campiello and El Espín on the other.

By bus

Villaluz has a bus service that connects it with Porciles and Tineo.

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List of Routes
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4:05 h.13.8 km.

Stage 04b Route of the Hospitals
Difficulty-RemarkableRed difficulty category, level 2. Stages with large slopes or important distances, which require good physical preparation.

7:10 h.27 km.

Stage 04 Tineo-Pola de Allande
Difficulty-RemarkableRed difficulty category level 2. Stages with large slopes or important distances, which require good physical preparation.
Monastery of Santa María la Real of Obona
Obona, Principado de Asturias
Monastery of Santa María la Real of Obona
Sanctuary of Nuestra Señora del Fresno
Grado, Principado de Asturias
Sanctuary of Nuestra Señora del Fresno

It was once the watch post of the Knights of Jerusalem.

Castro of Chao Samartín
Castro, Principado de Asturias
Castro of Chao Samartín

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