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The Jesters of Arenillas, the symphony of the sea

Close to the town of Puertas de Vidiago, in the council of Llanes, we find the Jesters of Arenillas distributed in the strip of coast that goes from the mouth of the river Purón up to the Well of the Salmoria. This peculiar landscape of steep cliffs, coastal islets and small beaches owes its uniqueness to the erosive action of the water in the limestone terrain that composes it, forming these karstic cavities.

Natural Monument of the Jesters of Arenillas

The Jesters are chimneys formed on the coast, joined to marine chasms through which sea water enters under pressure creating columns of water and air that come out to the outside rising several meters high. When the sea is calm the blows of the waves expel the air from the lower galleries through the vents, but on days of strong waves the Bramadoriu, as they are known locally, expel to the outside with a deafening moan a spectacular curtain of water and air, which tightened in the underground cavities escape together through the cracks of the earth. The Jesters hide in a stretch of coast, approximately 1.2 km long, crossed by innumerable paths that cross this Natural Monument, in addition to the Coastal Path where we arrive and that crosses it by a wide track.

Jester of Vidiago

If we have decided to arrive here in our vehicle, from the small car park where we will leave it we will see the first Jesters. Next to the information panels start the well marked paths that approach the nearby cracks in the terrain, in many cases hidden by the thick vegetation that grows around it. Each cavity has its different characteristics defined by its situation and depending on the conditions of the sea we can find it with more or less activity, know the state of the tides, if it is in high or low tide, help us to enjoy the spectacle that supposes the Bramadoriu, letting out the pulverized water. According to the locals, the central hours between the highest and lowest altitudes of the sea are the best for this. The different intensities of the waves that nourish the Jesters allow us to contemplate different buffoons that form curtains of pulverized water that combined with the sunlight give us spectacular rainbows a few meters from us.

Caves through which the sea is introduced and then go out through the chimney of the Jester.

To enjoy this demonstration of nature we must bear in mind that the days of rain is advisable to contemplate them at a distance to avoid accidents, also we must not forget that we are in an area of cliffs and that some of these Jesters are surrounded by vegetation that prevents us from seeing, if we get too close, where the ground ends firm.

The Legend

According to the story, a reckless animal, some say that it was a cow others that if a goat, fell in one of these jesters a day of strong storm and was such was the pressure exerted by the sea that threw the animal through the air a good amount of meters.

How to get to Jesters of Arenillas

You can reach Puertas de Vidiago via the N-634 either from Llanes or from Pendueles, both of which are connected to the A-8 Cantabrian motorway. Once there we will go towards the centre of the town crossing a level crossing and ascending a narrow road that takes us to a crossroads, at which point we will have to decide if we are looking for a place to park our vehicle and walk the scarce 2 km that separate us from our destination or continue along the asphalt track that to our right follows towards the cemetery, and leaving the entrance to it on the right, follow it and just cross the bridge that helps us to cross the Cantabrian motorway, turn right and continue for a few metres until you find a dirt road on your left, where you turn off and leave the motorway behind you. This path is a little further on with another junction at which we must turn left to cross the short section that separates us from the car park next to the buffadores, where if we arrive in our vehicle we will have to leave it.

​​Pet area, hiking with my dog

Perfect place for our pet who sure loves to get wet and this will surely happen if we get close enough.

Special care must be taken not only with the ground full of holes and sharp stones such as blades, but also with the Jesters whose noise and jet of water can give a good scare to our companion.

It is usual to find the cattle that go to the place to take advantage of the saltpeter that accumulates in the plants, likewise we have to be attentive to the fences in the area because they are electrified giving a good calambrazo to the one who touches them.

A Jester with hardly any activity, you can see how the roof of the cave has given way.
Fireplace of a Jester
Natural Monument
Peaks of Europe in the background of photography
Sketch of the interior of the Jesters
The caves of the cliffs where the water enters
The rainbow
The water comes out under pressure
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Created the 07-10-2014

Espectacular y maravilloso paseo a orillas del mar disfrutando de un majestuoso espectáculo. Se pasa el tiempo y no te cansas de admirarlo.

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¿Did you know that...

The days of strong storm the columns of water and air that the Jesters throw can reach in some cases, the 40 m of height and that their thunderous Jester can be heard to several kilometers of distance.

Don't miss out...

The inland beaches of Gulpiyuri and Cobijeru, which are small sea beaches but located inland. The action of the sea on the limestone rock formed a cave towards the interior of the coast whose roof collapsed creating a small space connected to the outside where the sea and tides continue to enter, giving rise to a precious natural jewel that allows us to enjoy a beach of fine sand.


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From the commitment of SENDITUR with Nature and the respect to the balance of the environment, SENDITUR urges you to travel in a responsible way, with low environmental impact and respecting at all times the Natural, Cultural and Social environment wherever you go.



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This route has been carried out in the field by SENDITUR on 16-08-2015. The route may vary greatly depending on the time of year, weather conditions and terrain, as well as the actions of third parties and the evolution suffered in the natural environment where it is located. All opinions, advice and/or assessments made by SENDITUR in their descriptions are for guidance only and are subject to and/or refer to the specific conditions of the specific day of the route, referring to that specific day, taken from trained people, with the appropriate experience and with a high level of physical and technical preparation as a reference, as well as correctly equipped.

All the times are approximate and take an orientative character, the stops have not been taken into account, no matter how small they are. All the information related to the route, texts, images, videos, maps, diagrams, tracks, towns, and places of tourist interest are published as a guide, and may not coincide with the current state of each place. Before undertaking any activity, assess your technical knowledge, your physical condition, find out about the weather and the variations that the route may undergo, equip yourself correctly, be prudent and responsible at all times, and do not exceed your capabilities. SENDITUR is not responsible for any misuse or inappropriate use of the comprehensive guides of its routes and/or publications as well as its electronic guides, nor for any variations in their descriptions for the aforementioned reasons, and recommends that everyone be responsible and prudent in carrying out the activity. We also encourage you to read books and specialised guides to complement the information described above.

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