The grand finale that is the true beginning
A last effort that in this stage of the Way of Saint James, will take us from O Pedrouzo, in the concello of O Pino, to the same Plaza del Obradoiro, in Santiago de Compostela. A route that combines the usual woods and meadows with its rounded hills and the most representative history of a thousand-year-old Way that brought thousands of pilgrims here. A mixture of sensations and feelings that will not leave us impassive, increasing its intensity with each step that will bring us closer to Santiago de Compostela.
The stage 29 O Pedrouzo-Santiago de Compostela of the French Way with 19,5 Km part of O Pedrouzo, main nucleus of the Concello de O Pino, taking us by the last embers of eucalyptus forests in a route that as it could not be of another form will ask us for a last effort to save their toboggans. San Antón receives us almost at the moment of our departure giving us a small hympas before arriving at the encounter with the inseparable national, companion of not few kilometers. O Amenal serves us as a place of passage of the same one marking us the beginning of a new ascent that takes us to pass through a corredoira, vestige of previous stages. After getting rid of the impassive airport, we return to the exclusivity of the Way of Saint James in the hand of the careful village of San Paio, from where we take up the original layout that transports us to the next urban nucleus that awaits us. After crossing A Esquina, the French Way, without hardly noticing it, leads us to Lavacolla, where its church awaits us next to the slender cross that precedes it. This locality and more concretely its stream form part of the history of the Way of Saint James when there is the tradition among the old pilgrims to wash in it to make their entrance in the cathedral properly cleaned, thing which in the epoch in which this custom was in force was a point in favor that helped to palliate the aroma that tried to hide the pendulum Botafumeiro.
Vilamaior allows us to take up again the forces that will help us to continue with the ascent that with its ups and downs will take us to San Marcos, beautiful village that precedes one of the mythical places in the Way of Santiago, the Monte do Gozo, from where pilgrims could contemplate for the first time Santiago next to the needles of its Cathedral today hidden behind the tops of some trees that very appropriately someone decided to repopulate just in that place, forcing us to look for the way to save the parapet that these form or to divert us a good distance until the Monument to the Pilgrim, to be able to contemplate the panoramic one of Santiago. From here, a quick descent awaits us that leads us to the historic district of San Lázaro, the gateway to Santiago, which once had a pilgrim hospital. The majestic city of the Apostle waits for us guarding in its interior one of the most cared for historical helmets of Europe, the pilgrim enters little by little in her discovering part of its enchantments to each step that takes. The 14th-century Santo Domingo de Bonaval convent, the 18th-century Ánimas chapel and the Museo do Pobo Galego are part of the historic, artistic and cultural ensemble that it keeps between its streets. Each step brings us a little closer to the Plaza do Obradoiro of Santiago de Compostela, final point for many pilgrims of their journey and point and followed for all of their Camino de Santiago.
The Cathedral of Santiago loaded with pilgrim traditions, some today restricted to watch over the conservation of the monument, offers us the spectacularity of its western façade, together with mythical corners such as the Holy Door, with reliefs of the Master Mateo and which only opens during the Holy Years. But Santiago doesn't end here and an example of this is, for example, the pazo of Raxoi, seat of the Town Hall, or the Hostal de los Reyes Católicos, today Parador de Turismo, exponents of a city that well deserves to be visited following its narrow streets with calm that will surely make us discover corners that we cannot miss, once our pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela is over.
There are not a few hostels in Santiago de Compostela that will allow us to stay a couple of nights in them, thus allowing us to know the city calmly and visit the different tourist attractions it has, in addition to being able to witness the typical Pilgrim Mass that takes place every day at 12:00h in the Cathedral and where, upon payment of the corresponding minimum donation established, we will see the Botafumeiro fly.
There are several roads from Santiago de Compostela that connect us with the rest of Spain, the E-1 and the N-550 connect with A Coruña on one side and Pontevedra on the other. Other options are the AP-53 and the N-525 that do it with Ourense or the N-547 and the future A-54 that do it with Lugo and the N-VI or the A-6 respectively, also the N-634 communicates the latter with Santiago de Compostela. At the same time the city has bus service with destinations to the main cities of Spain whose Central Bus Station is located in the Plaza Camilo Diaz Baliño, s / n. Other possibilities are by train from the train station of Santiago de Compostela that we will find in the Rúa Hórreo, s/n or by plane to whose Airport of Lavacolla we can arrive taking the line of buses that links Santiago with the airport and from where the main airlines operate that offer a great variety of national and international destinations. It goes without saying that there are several transport companies that offer their services to pilgrims who must send their belongings or bicycles to their places of origin.
Relatively simple stage, in which neither the distance nor the unevenness would have to be an inconvenience, but the heat that without a doubt we can find in the final part of the route surrounded by buildings and asphalt that can harden the end of the stage to our companion. The traffic added to the numerous crossings that we have to face forces us to return quickly to an urban reality that we had almost forgotten.
We will find a good quantity of water points along the whole route but it is in its first half where we are forced not to forget the provisions that we must carry at all times, since although we pass through several urban centers relatively close to each other, the layout of the route is free of points where it can refresh.
In Vilamaior we will pass next to a cattle farm and it is not too unlikely that we find some cattle in its vicinity, to all this we have to add to the usual of the Camino, pets like in any city we will be finding our way.
Once arrived together until here we are left to return home so it is advisable to have clear the means of transport that we are going to use for it because, as we know, each of them has its own conditions for transporting pets, being interesting to have organized from the origin to avoid unnecessary inconvenience.
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The Rúa Concello that starts from the town hall of O Pedrouzo (0h 00min) and that joins with the route of the Way of Santiago next to the sports facilities of the locality, is the place where this stage begins that will take us to the heart of Santiago de Compostela.
The route makes us leave O Pedrouzo behind us, to go along the road that the street has become, towards the detour that we have a few metres ahead. To our left begins a dirt track that introduces us directly into the forest.
The path between the tall trees guides us, leaving on both sides what seem to be roads that go even further into the forest.
Soon we arrive at the final point of this first wooded area where we find an asphalted track that following it towards our right takes us until San Antón (0h 15min), first village of which we will have to visit in this day.
Quickly just when the small town seems to come to an end the itinerary turns radically to continue for a moment more touring the houses that form it.
Now we leave San Antón definitively, but not before leaving a new track on our left that would take us back into the town.
A new forest awaits us and just when we reach its limits we will be forced to follow the track to the left of the two who enter it.
The track, in very good condition and well defined, serves as a perfect reference in the few crossings we encounter, leaving no room for doubt as to the correct option to follow.
Once again the stupendous shade provided by the dense forest comes to an end, at the moment we arrive at a crossroads in which we will have to detour to follow the track that takes us along the limits marked by the pines that until now protected us from the sun.
This new track leads us flanked on one side by the forest and on the other by the green fields that extends to our left.
The route changes orientation to save some lonely houses and the paths that lead to them, taking us to the encounter with another track where ours ends.
When we reach its height, we have to continue on our right, going along this asphalted track that leads us to a new group of houses.
Once again we meet at the end of our track, when the route continues on the right, leaving for now the reencounter with the nearby national road.
We progress by leaving both sides of the buildings that surround us and the entrances that lead to them, to go to the next place we will have to pass today.
The asphalt track leads us irremediably to the encounter with the inseparable national, which again stands in our path.
Luckily we have a small tunnel that avoids the trance allowing us to save this obstacle without problems, finding us on the other side with O Amenal (0h 50min).
Our quick passage through this village takes us straight to one of the strong climbs we will have to face to reach the main objective that approaches each step.
The ascent, fitted between high slopes, reminds us of sections of previous stages, enlivening us with the effort that it demands of us.
Suddenly the road is cut by a road that crosses it and forces us to cross it diagonally to continue along the dirt track that follows the other side. The slope continues asking us for an extra effort barely compensated by the shade provided by the trees that surround us.
The path we are following is joined by others that, much less clear in their continuity, clearly show us that we should not follow them.
After a while we find a crossroads with a track, this one if well marked, in which the typical cobblestone walk shows us the option to follow that is none other than the continuity with the course brought so far.
Almost instantly we see ourselves unprotected from almost every possible shadow, following a perfect gravel track that marches without allowing us to leave the course that marks us.
After a long time without major changes of orientation, we find ourselves at a crossroads where the French Way turns radically to the right forced by the Santiago airport, which we will have to border to recover the lost course.
This runway takes us to one of its ends where we will be able to recover the direction that the airport took from us.
This section runs along the outer limits of the enclosure, in which we will find an asphalted service road that stands between us and the nearby national and a dirt road that as compensation serves as a guide in this inexcusable detour.
The dirt road we are on avoids any possible doubt that might arise, taking us along the limits of the airport with the airplanes above our heads.
Shortly after turning following these limits we arrive at the place where we must cross the entrance road to the enclosure, as the andadero continues now to the other side.
The route takes us to a narrow road that makes us leave behind the road that gives access to the airport, taking us to the next town which we already sense in front.
San Paio (2h 05min) returns us to the French Way that we should never have left, allowing us to enjoy this well-kept locality.
The road transports us leaving San Paio to the right next to the streets that are introduced in her, a new ramp waits for us that will ask for another effort more to the already tired legs.
This ramp begins leaving to the right a road that tempts us with its benevolent profile.
The slope comes to an end quickly, almost at the same time the route leaves the asphalt to continue on a dirt track that will accompany us for now.
We head towards a highway which we will cross thanks to a tunnel that helps us to save this new obstacle.
As we cross the dual carriageway, we also cross the service roads that run parallel to it in order to retake the dirt track that will take us away from this bustling crossing. In front of us awaits a pleasant stretch between trees that isolate us in part of the environment that surrounds us.
The itinerary comes up against a fork in the path we are following, choosing the option on the left that seems to lead us to some houses, a prelude to the residential area we are about to cross.
Already immersed in it we advance leaving to both sides the buildings with their parcels and some that another track that serves them as access, until we find a road by which we continue the journey.
This road leads us through this area without allowing us to get out of it at any of the junctions we encounter.
The road, forced in part by the houses that surround it, turns completely towards the church of Lavacolla (2h 30min), whose tower we could already see some time ago.
We leave to our right the road that some pilgrims follow in their eagerness to reach their destination as soon as possible even at the risk of putting their lives at stake by following a road that is not prepared for it.
We ascend towards the church to surround it and follow the asphalted track that seems to want us to move away from the goal set from the beginning of our adventure.
This track expels us to the road which we must cross to follow the course of the route that continues on the other side. A long stretch of asphalt awaits us that will make us go up and down small hills as a final demand to allow us to enjoy the deserved end of stage.
For a few meters we can avoid the asphalt following the path that leads us to cross a beautiful corner that forms a large stream, we can also follow the road that borders this section to rejoin a few meters later.
From here we will have to face a hard ascent, following the road without deviating in any of the paths that come out to meet it.
The narrow road, with more traffic than we could have expected, sometimes has small paths or narrow footpaths that take us a little away from the asphalt.
The ascent seems to come to an end when we arrive at Vilamaior (2h 55min), although it is just one of the many toboggans we have had to pass.
We go around the town without deviating from the road that brought us here.
At the moment we are at a crossroads where this road ends and where the Camino de Santiago continues on the right.
We then began a short descent that takes us without remedy towards the continuation of the ascent that we had begun before.
Once again we see ourselves following the road, without paying attention to any of the options of abandoning it that we are presented with, going along a kind of path that allows us to enjoy the route with a certain calm.
Shortly after passing by the Galician television installations, without the upward slope that brought us here, we find ourselves with another new crossing where, now, we will radically change the direction of the march.
A little further on, at the first junction we came across, we change course again, recovering the orientation lost in the previous detour.
After another short ascent we will be able to contemplate in the horizon the figure of the monument erected in the Monte do Gozo, just before the fast descent that will take us until the doors of the next locality of the day.
The descent ends when you find another road that cuts off its advance, we will continue on the right telling us towards the first houses that mark the proximity of the town.
A cobblestone street welcomes us at the same time that we have to turn off again to begin the ascent that takes us to the interior of San Marcos (4h 05min).
Following this long street that crosses the town, we will be leaving to both sides the different detours that arise to our step, to go towards the Monte do Gozo (4h 10min).
After enjoying the magnificent panoramic views from this emblematic spot, and unless we want to approach the well-known monument to the walker, in which case we must follow the conditioned walk from here, we must continue along the course of the road by which we arrived here, embarking on a vertiginous descent that will force our already battered knees more than we would have liked.
There are not a few trails that have been formed on the side of the road that transports us down the hillside, trails that sometimes make us assess whether or not it is really advisable to follow them.
The road takes us without further detours to a twisted curve, almost at the end of the descent, here the cyclists have to continue along the road that will take them directly to the national road where they must turn to the left to rejoin the pilgrims on foot at the entrance bridge to San Lázaro.
The French Way in this curve leaves the road to continue straight on towards the stairs that will serve to save the last part of the descent.
The national road, the point where cyclists will join us, is once again our companion as if it were hard for her to say goodbye to us, while we follow her course that leads us to the bridge through which we will save part of this communication junction.
After crossing the bridge over the railway tracks we find the town of San Lázaro (4h 25min), engulfed by the growth of the great city we are about to enter.
A long journey awaits us that will take us step by step into the city of the Apostle, without causing us too many doubts about the path to follow thanks in part to the few detours that we will have to take in the innumerable crosses that we are going to find.
First of all we have to save the final part of the junction of roads in which we are, following straight in the several roundabouts that we have to pass, to follow the ample avenue in which the national highway that until here accompanied us has become.
The rúa San Lázaro will accompany us for a long distance surrounded by large buildings that have taken over the landscape, in this part of the route is clearly better to follow the sidewalk to the left as we head towards Santiago, as both the marks and possible detours are clearer on that side.
The avenue continues its straight course while we say goodbye to it to continue passing by a small park that invites us to walk through it. The route follows the sidewalk that borders the park following without more detours for the moment this new rúa that guides us.
We advance leaving behind us a good number of streets, without problems to follow the right path.
After a while the street we are going down is twisted to save the buildings that stand in its way, without this forcing us to leave it for now.
Our street ends in a wide avenue where we will have to look for the best place to cross it, as the route continues along the rúa dos Concheiros that begins on the other side in front of us.
This new street takes us without further detours to the cross that marks the beginning of the Rúa de San Pedro, which as its name indicates takes us to pass next to the parish that gives it its name, all without having to detour for now in any of the crosses that we cross.
The cobblestone street ends in Porta Camiño square, where the route crosses the avenue with which it is located, to continue almost straight on, definitively entering the historic centre of the city.
The route takes us past the different churches and parishes that form part of Santiago's extensive artistic heritage, making us gain some of the lost height.
Soon we will be cut off by a building that leads us to the left, to go out to the nearby Cervantes square.
When you reach the square you will have to turn radically to the right to descend to the Immaculada square where you can caress the imposing Cathedral.
From here and without further detours we just have to go straight through the passage that, after descending a few stairs, leads to the beautiful Plaza do Obradoiro in Santiago de Compostela (5h 05min). After the well-deserved congratulations and hugs full of feelings and joy, we head towards the Pilgrims' Reception Centre, descending along the Costa do Cristo next to the national hostel of Santiago de Compostela and bordering it, approaching it to the nearby building that houses the centre and the Pilgrims' Office (5h 10min), in which the Compostelanas are dispatched.
Our route through Santiago will mark the final distance to be covered.
If we get up early in the morning, no more than usual on the Way, we will be able to arrive at Santiago with enough time to enjoy it calmly, although the typical Pilgrim Mass is held every day at 12:00h in the Cathedral, so we must keep this schedule in mind if we want to attend this liturgical act.
The route, due to its characteristics, is an act all year round, the ideal is to find ourselves with a clear day that allows us to enjoy the panoramic views that we will be able to enjoy in some areas of the same. Although it is not ideal, rainy days provide a special atmosphere that can compensate for the absence of landscapes to contemplate.
The good road surface of the route allows us to equip ourselves with more comfortable footwear, but without forgetting that we have to cover the kilometres that still separate us from our destination, so we should not lower our guard and have the usual equipment, as we may find rain for example during the whole route. It is therefore important to adapt clothes and footwear to the weather and not leave the water with some food if we need it. Of course today more than ever the camera is our faithful companion and although it does not seem the protection against the sun we can not neglect it. Consult our list of material and equipment to make the Way. Read more
Stage without greater demands than some other ramp that with due calm we will ascend without problem. The low mileage in comparison with other stages allows us to face the route with the patience that every entrance to a big city requires. The heat in the final part of the stage added to the asphalt and to the buildings that surround us can complicate the day making something harder a route, simple in itself.
Every journey through a city obliges us to respect the rules of traffic, a fact that after so many kilometers of tracks, roads and villages can be difficult for us to become aware that we are not alone on the Camino. That is why it is important to pay attention not only in the city but also in the sections of road that we are going to cross and that support the traffic that surrounds all great city. Keep an eye on the descent of Monte do Gozo, the inclination of the slope and the eagerness to step on the nearby Plaza del Obradoiro, can play a trick on us a few kilometres from the destination.
Well signposted, the tracks and roads we travel help to guide us smoothly towards our goal. It is the variations that the Way has suffered in some sections what will force us to take detours suitably signposted. Every passage through a city involves an extra complication and Santiago could not be an exception, surprisingly some crosses are not as well signposted as one would expect but the relative simplicity of the almost straight course that follows the course of the Way through the city will make things a little easier.
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1-O Pedrouzo | 0:00h | 289m | 0Km | 29T 551906 4750716 |
2-San Antón | 0:15h | 273m | 0.7Km | 29T 551343 4750621 |
3-O Amenal | 0:50h | 252m | 3Km | 29T 549484 4750541 |
4-San Paio | 2:05h | 332m | 7Km | 29T 546838 4750851 |
5-Lavacolla | 2:30h | 296m | 9.1Km | 29T 545160 4749848 |
6-Vilamaior | 2:55h | 355m | 10.4Km | 29T 544938 4748923 |
7-San Marcos | 4:05h | 362m | 14.1Km | 29T 541632 4748837 |
8-Monte do Gozo | 4:10h | 380m | 14.5Km | 29T 541294 4748686 |
9-San Lázaro | 4:25h | 274m | 15.8Km | 29T 540068 4748328 |
10-Santiago de Compostela | 5:05h | 254m | 19.3Km | 29T 537100 4747641 |
11-Oficina del Peregrino | 5:10h | 250m | 19.5Km | 29T 537005 4747819 |
Coordinates UTM Datum WGS84
Slope: 1033m
Slope +: 501m
Slope -: 532m
Maximum altitude: 410m
Minimum altitude: 252m
This sketch of the route is not made to scale nor does it contain all the information relating to the area, it is merely indicative.
This schematic with the path is approximate and has been created from the derived cartographic base © Instituto Geográfico Nacional "Cuadrante 0094 y 0095 1:50.000".
Senditur has manipulated the tracks to correct the aberrant points that may exist, caused by problems with the reception of the GPS signal. In any case the tracks are always approximate. SENDITUR encourages you to use the new technologies within your reach, using them as support and consultation in your activity, not basing the realization and orientation of the same only and exclusively on them, since they may see their functioning altered by very diverse causes, not functioning correctly and their indications may not be precise.
Find out what to see in...
¿Did you know that...
Today, at the Pilgrim's office, at the same time as the illustrious Compostelana, you can ask for the Distance Certificate that certifies the day and starting point of the pilgrimage, the kilometres covered, the day of arrival and the route by which the pilgrimage has taken place.
Don't miss out...
The visit to Muxía and Fisterra, either on foot, thus extending the Way to these two mythical places or already with another means of transport, because every pilgrim should know them given their marked Jacobean character as well as the spectacular scenery offered by both spaces.
From the commitment of SENDITUR with Nature and the respect to the balance of the environment, SENDITUR urges you to travel in a responsible way, with low environmental impact and respecting at all times the Natural, Cultural and Social environment wherever you go.
Besides sharing with all of us your experience on the route we would be grateful if you could write to us to inform us of any erroneous or outdated information you may have found, or simply to let us know what you think at Thank you.
This route has been carried out in the field by SENDITUR on 13-10-2018. The route may vary greatly depending on the time of year, weather conditions and terrain, as well as the actions of third parties and the evolution suffered in the natural environment where it is located. All opinions, advice and/or assessments made by SENDITUR in their descriptions are for guidance only and are subject to and/or refer to the specific conditions of the specific day of the route, referring to that specific day, taken from trained people, with the appropriate experience and with a high level of physical and technical preparation as a reference, as well as correctly equipped.
All the times are approximate and take an orientative character, the stops have not been taken into account, no matter how small they are. All the information related to the route, texts, images, videos, maps, diagrams, tracks, towns, and places of tourist interest are published as a guide, and may not coincide with the current state of each place. Before undertaking any activity, assess your technical knowledge, your physical condition, find out about the weather and the variations that the route may undergo, equip yourself correctly, be prudent and responsible at all times, and do not exceed your capabilities. SENDITUR is not responsible for any misuse or inappropriate use of the comprehensive guides of its routes and/or publications as well as its electronic guides, nor for any variations in their descriptions for the aforementioned reasons, and recommends that everyone be responsible and prudent in carrying out the activity. We also encourage you to read books and specialised guides to complement the information described above.
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