The river Ruxían, in Palas de Rei, is the first of the many that we will know in a route that will take us in a continuous up and down from one basin to another saving the hills that house them. A landscape that mixes the deep-rooted Galician villages and localities with the intense green meadows and the dark woods in which aduras can hardly stand the autochthonous species that once populated them. A route that transports us between Jacobean traditions and history, immersing us in the culture and gastronomy of a land rich in both.
The stage 27 Palas de Rei-Arzúa of the French Way with 28.6 km part of Palas de Rei, whose region houses countless samples of its extensive history, such as the Castle of Pambre of the fourteenth century. Carballal, is the next town that we will know, the Way of Saint James leads us through well-kept villages such as San Xiao do Camiño, which together with its transept and its 12th century Romanesque church are the prelude to our passage through the river Pambre, which if it were to follow its course would take us to the historic castle that takes its name. Ponte Campaña and Casanova are the last towns on the French Way as it passes through the province of Lugo and precede the river Do Vilar. The route through this river crosses the place known as Porto de Bois where a hard battle between Enrique de Trastámara and the Count of Lemos, Fernán Ruiz de Castro, who leaned in favor of the first. O Coto is the first town we will pass through in the province of A Coruña, which quickly passes the baton to Leboreiro, who shows us his 12th century church of Santa María.
The Seco river is all that separates us from the small village of Desecabo, from where a monotonous journey through the moor awaits us that will take us to the next valley to which we have to descend. The river that we now cross gives its name to the town that bathes, Furelos, whose medieval bridge allows us to enter it and allows us to contemplate its church of San Xoán from the 19th century. Behind this coquettish town awaits us the great Melide, which is said to house the oldest cruise ship in Galicia next to the small chapel of San Roque. The town hides a good number of places to discover, such as the Terra de Melide museum, the church of San Pedro in the Convent square or the Way Interpretation Centre, among other cultural attractions to which we will undoubtedly have to add the gastronomic ones, as well as being the meeting point between the French Way and the Primitive Way. After climbing the hill where the old castro that dominated the town used to be located, we head down quickly to Santa María de Melide, where we can see its carefully cared for Romanesque church.
The Catasol and Valverde rivers, together with the woods and fields we cross, make our way to A Peroxa, from where we will quickly reach Boente and its source Saleta. The local church bids us farewell to it, leading us towards the river from which Boente takes its name. From there, in a tireless climb up and down, we pass by the village of A Fraga Alta, and enjoy the many villages that surround us, such as Pedrido, O Río and so many others that make up Castañeda. Without realizing it and after leaving behind some more stream, we find ourselves at the gates of the medieval bridge that will allow us to cross the river Iso and enter Ribadiso de Baixo, where the old Hospital de San Antón used to be. From here we have an uncomfortable ascent that will take us to Arzúa, famous in part for the cheese of Arzúa, that is elaborated artisan with whole milk of cow and is produced in all the region besides in several populations of Lugo. This locality is the final point of stage chosen by many pilgrims, not only of the French Way but also of the Way of the North that converge in it.
All the localities of the Way deserve a small stop to know their history, their people and their corners and Melide is one of the ones that many pilgrims have indicated in their route map, as much by its important cultural value as by the gastronomic one, it is famous in the Way for the quality of its Octopus to Feira. The relative proximity between the different localities that remain until Santiago and the great quantity of services oriented to the pilgrim that we will find in the remaining kilometers allow us to organize the rest of stages to our accommodation, as on the other hand it has to be the normal thing from the beginning. If we want to make night in Melide we can change the following two stages or extend to one more to stop also in Arzúa.
Quite a demanding stage both in terms of mileage and the total difference in level that has to be overcome, fortunately the alternation in the different types of pavements and the abundant shaded areas make it easier for us to better regulate the effort that we demand from our companion. Special attention must be paid to the crossroads with the roads and to our passage through the larger towns that we will travel through in this stage. Of course, both before and after the stage, it is advisable to give the appropriate care to their legs, hydration and check that there are no injuries is essential for you to enjoy the journey.
The water would not have to be a problem since to the sources that we will find in the populations that we will pass we have to add some that another stream and river where our friend will be able to refresh, on having these relatively simple accesses and calm flows. There are also several rest areas where we can give him a break and allow him to recover strength.
The cattle is one more of the Way and it will not be rare to find the locals accompanying the cows from a meadow to the other, also we will cross with a few dogs that live in the different places through which we will pass, although as usual usually are in closed enclosures it will not be rare that someone comes out to greet us.
The Palas de Rei (0h 00min) Town Hall building gives us the starting signal for this day.
As it could not be otherwise, the route begins descending the street of the Pilgrim, in search of the road that we leave behind us and with which we will meet again at the end of this street.
As soon as we reach its height, we must turn a few metres to the right, as the Way of Saint James crosses the road to leave the city between two houses on the other side of the street.
We say goodbye to Palas de Rei following a cobbled path that leads us between orchards and meadows. This paved path marks the course to follow as we come across a track that comes from the nearby national to where our itinerary leads us.
When we reach the meeting point, we must cross it, as the route continues to the other side. Quickly the cobblestone track that brought us here meets a new road where, now yes, ends his company.
It is quite probable that at the previous crossroads, with the national one, we have met with some sign or with some pilgrim who continues the course that this one follows, since both options come together again a little later.
This small detour along the French Way takes us through an urbanised area, following the road that runs parallel to the nearby national road. As we already knew, after a short time we meet again with the inseparable road that we must continue.
This section, still with its corresponding sidewalk, takes us without further detours until we reach the final point of the safety provided by the sidewalk.
Here again, the route leaves the national road for a few metres to describe a semicircle following part of its old layout and thus avoiding us to continue along the almost non-existent verge of the national road.
When we meet the road again, we will have a narrow footpath that will allow us to cover the short distance that separates us from the beginning of the track we must continue along.
We should not be tempted to continue along the national road, even though we know that we will be joining it again a little later, the intense traffic it supports and its scarce space on the sides makes it very unadvisable. The track in quite good condition, but usually somewhat muddy in some of its sections, will make us gain height quickly leaving our back the bustling national.
Carballal (0h 20min) arises between the vegetation without us noticing making us more pleasant the advance by this leafy stretch. We continue leaving behind the buildings that form this locality next to the different paths that we are finding.
The route takes us from Carballal de Arriba to Carballal de Baixo, but not without forcing us to be attentive, as the route turns sharply to the left when it reaches a crossroads shortly after passing some lonely houses.
From here we are already heading clearly towards the national one from which we had been separating until this moment.
As soon as we reach its height, we have to cross once again to the other side in order to follow the path that begins in this place and that avoids us to follow the dangerous asphalt.
This andadero takes us directly to a small rest area that uses an old curve of the national.
When arriving at it the route introduces itself in the thick forest following a hidden track that we found to our left in the zone of rest.
The track, in clear descent and surrounded by the typical eucalyptus trees of Galicia in addition to other species of trees, takes us without more detours crossing the thick forest, from which we will leave in few occasions.
This part of the route has the added complication of the amount of branches and dry leaves that come to cover the track where we walk to which is added the water dammed in part of the route that contributes to find us with tremendously muddy areas. For the rest we will not find major complications.
Sample of the great amount of water that flows through the area is the improvised walkway made with large stones that helps us cross the most flooded area of water.
Shortly after passing this area, the track, now without the protection of the forest, goes out to a narrow road that we will follow a few meters to the next detour.
We quickly arrived at the moment of leaving the asphalt to continue for the road that will take us towards the next locality. After saving the still unfinished motorway between Santiago and Lugo, the first buildings of the nearby town that awaits us will be coming out on our way.
The track we are going along ends when we find the narrow road that will take us into San Xiao do Camiño (0h 50min).
The itinerary continues with the progressive descent that we had begun some time ago, making us go around the locality, leaving on both sides the streets and paths that we are finding.
A solitary cruise marks the centre of the Plaza de San Xiao do Camiño, serving as a reference point to continue the descent that takes us past the village church.
The route takes us out of the locality following the course of the road that will accompany us for now in our progress.
After a while we find ourselves at a new crossroads where the route continues straight on following the dirt track in front of us.
The corredoiras continue to give us their appreciated protection which is especially appreciated the days of heat, besides allowing us to advance without too many complications to know which is the way to follow.
The shadow of the forest ends when we arrive next to a house, prelude of the road that we must continue towards the next locality of the day, which we can already observe in front of us.
Ponte Campaña (1h 05min) is waiting for us after crossing the river Pambre and abandoning the asphalt again shortly after to begin the ascent by the track that takes us to the interior of the small village..
After leaving a path on our right, we pass by the houses that make up this locality to begin to undertake, now yes, the long and tended ascent that we have in front of us.
This part of the route, in not very good condition, forces us to make an extra effort to gain height with each step, fortunately to a large extent we will be protected by the shade offered by the trees that surround us.
The path, which is very common to find quite muddy in some areas, ends again when it meets another local road.
Following this road we soon find the village of Casanova (1h 30min), still in full ascent.
After crossing this locality following always the road by which we arrived, we are with a new crossing in which, continuing with the ascent, we follow the option of the right of the two that offers to us.
Almost at the same time that the ascent ends it does our walk on the asphalt when we meet the track by which we must continue when the slope has almost disappeared.
The slides, authentic leg-breakers, are the habitual tonic of the Galician stages and this could not be an exception, making us undertake a new descent embedded between the fields and the trees that border them.
The itinerary leads us to a clearing in the thick forest where, after leaving two paths to our right and left, we will start with another ascent that will gradually make us recover part of the lost height.
The route crosses a small river and transports us between green meadows that, as usual, alternate in the dominion of the landscape.
The track joins with another so that together we can continue to advance, subtracting the kilometres that separate us from the ever-closer Santiago.
We quickly join again with another track that comes from the not so distant road to which we will inevitably leave a little later. As we suspected the track takes us to the road that will be our new travel companion.
We are progressing through what appears to be a residential area without realizing that we are walking the last meters of the Way through Lugo. The entrance to the province of A Coruña awaits us as soon as we leave the first road on our left.
Almost at the moment of our entry into the last province through which the French Way passes, we find ourselves, at the crossroads with the road that gives access from the national, with the village of O Coto (2h 10min).
Continuing on our left we quickly cross the small village and, before going out to the national, turn left again and continue along the hidden path that will take us directly to the next town we will pass through.
This track in perfect condition takes us without further detour to the interior of Leboreiro (2h 25min), where another characteristic cruise of the Way of Saint James awaits us.
The Way of Saint James crosses the town linearly, leaving on both sides the detours that we are finding.
This long cobblestone street takes us to the outskirts of Leboreiro leading us to cross the Seco River.
As soon as we cross it and almost without realizing it, we pass by the village of Desecabo (2h 30min), where we turn to our right to follow a dirt track that takes us quickly out of the village.
A section awaits us with many crossroads where the option to follow is usually indicated with a carpet of cobblestones that indicate the direction to follow.
In the few cases, which is not so, the best state of the track that we must continue is what will give us the guideline to decide in case of doubt.
In any case, the nearby national is the one who indicates the adequate orientation, since the route advances parallel to it.
It is a few pavilions and a house that force our track to deviate, moving away from the company of the national to look for the place where to save this stumbling block that has stood in our path.
Soon we will recover our lost course, heading between the national road and the industrial estate that forms the Madalena business park. The French Way crosses this industrial area, crossing the moor where the large rest area that was created here is located.
The national road turns to the right, at which point our itinerary separates from it and continues bordering pavilions that stand between them. This way makes us leave behind these pavilions, to take us to a wide track where we have to follow.
As before, in case of doubt, it is the cobblestone walkway that can get us out of trouble by making us see that we must go straight without almost turning off.
The track introduces us into the forest where we find a new detour in which this time we must continue on the right starting a new descent that will take us to the next objective.
The descent ends when we meet the river and the path we will follow in search of the bridge that will allow us to cross it.
The French Way crosses the river to enter the town it gives its name to, Furelos (3h 20min).
As soon as we cross the bridge, our route turns to the left, passing by the local church.
The completely cobbled street is a reference point at most of the crossroads indicating the direction to follow.
We continue our journey through Furelos, leaving behind the different accesses we come across.
Without deviating, the paved route takes us to the outskirts of the town from where we can already see the relative proximity of Melide.
At our exit of Furelos and after leaving to the left a track, we begin the ascent that will lead us without place to lost towards the city that waits for us.
The route, which continues straight at all times, gradually introduces us between the buildings that are replacing the fields that surrounded us.
Again it is a cobblestone street that leads us for the moment in our first steps through the town. Following it we will be advancing without paying attention to the different crosses with which we are meeting.
After a short time, the paved road diverts us towards the national road, which crosses the town, which has become one of its main streets. When we arrive to its meeting we will continue by the left entering definitively in Melide (3h 45min), to follow the straight line that marks us this ample street.
This long street takes us to the park of San Roque where, after passing by it, we arrive at the crossroads where we have to turn right to look for the continuation of the Way of Saint James.
At the beginning of the street on the right we see in front of us a landscaped area to which we must go across the street.
On the other side are several streets that arise between the buildings that delimit it, being the second of those that begins in this place the one that we must follow, recovering the line that until recently had made us follow the national one as it passes through Melide. In this place, the French Way gives us the option to take a detour and follow the signs that send us to the right, making us take a detour to visit the historic centre of Melide. In any case and without further notice, the Primitive Way joins our itinerary to the tomb of the Apostle.
The route takes us without further detours, starting a new ascent that takes us to the old castro from where Melide is dominated.
There are many streets that we leave behind before reaching the highest part of this hill where we say goodbye to the town.
Going straight on, just past the cemetery wall, we undertake a quick descent that takes us to the place where we will meet again with the inseparable national road.
The French Way crosses it to continue straight on the road in front of us. After a relatively short stretch following this road, between orchards and houses we arrive at some pedestrian crossings that indicate the moment to cross to the other side to introduce us in Santa María de Melide (4h 00min).
The itinerary takes us to pass next to the church leaving it to our right to continue without major problems by a dirt track in quite good condition.
This part of the route takes us alternating the fields of pastures and farms with the shady areas offered by the trees that mark the path.
We advance leaving behind us all the crosses with which we find ourselves going towards the next slide of the stage that luckily will introduce us in a beautiful forest.
We must be aware that as soon as we enter the forest, the track we are going along forks making us choose the option on the left of the two we have.
The Catasol river cuts our track making us balance to cross it by the big stones that form the improvised bridge through which we will pass.
The path to follow, although well defined, is usually covered by the dry leaves of the trees that surround us, but nothing compared to the state of the other roads that we will find.
We soon reached the limits of the forest, leaving it on our right to face a new stretch of green meadows.
After a short while, the track turns right again, leading us towards a new encounter with the asphalt.
When reaching the height of the national we have to follow the path that on its side prevents us from walking on its shoulder.
This trail ends quickly as we meet the track we have to continue on.
Once again we see ourselves crossing a wide track in very good condition that makes us continue straight in another crossing, leading us, now on what seems asphalt, towards another thick forest.
Shortly after entering the forest protection the asphalt turns to the left in the same place where it begins another dirt track that will be our new companion and that makes us continue without hardly deviate from the course that we take.
The path goes through the interior of the forest, without letting us deviate, in search of the best place to get us out of it. Now we have another part between fields that will bring us closer to the next town from which we are already a short distance away.
The asphalt has reclaimed its protagonism serving us as a reference that points out the right path to follow. We are joined by the road that comes from the national road, to go together to A Peroxa (5h 10min).
The route transports us through the locality following the descending course that irremediably faces us towards the nearby Boente.
The Way of Saint James meets the national road again, which forces it to continue, taking us to the centre of Boente (5h 15min).
As soon as we pass the church we find the pedestrian crossing that will help us cross the national road to continue along the street that will take us out of the town.
This cobblestone street twists to make us recover our lost orientation when crossing, taking us to the outskirts of Boente. Once again we see ourselves descending along a well-defined track that takes us to another crossing.
The track is cut by another local road that we must cross to continue our descent. The river Boente awaits us after crossing the tunnel that this time avoids us having to cross the heavy national road.
After crossing the river, a new uphill section awaits us, which is partly forced by the fields it runs through.
The fairly steep ascent brings us closer to the national road, although this time without making us follow it.
The track ends when it meets the road that will guide us to the next town we have to know, fortunately this stretch of road has a small andadero that will give us more space.
Without leaving the line that marks us this andadero we follow the ascent that will take us until A Fraga Alta (5h 55min), where it begins the road by which we have to continue.
This part of the stage allows us to contemplate while we advance the villages that seem to lean out to the French Way offering us the possibility of visiting them to follow the roads that we are leaving behind.
The Rio Castañeda rest area marks a change of course that avoids us from heading towards the national one again and that faces us towards another slide.
We leave behind us the road that leads to Doroña to continue straight towards another shady area that awaits us later.
A strong ascent awaits us that will try to avoid the occasional path that comes our way. The route twists as if to prevent us from falling into the temptation to take these detours.
But it is the end of the demanding slope that ends up convincing us not to leave the right path that returns us to the open field. Already without so much exigency we continue alternating dark zones with others totally cleared until a new encounter with the national one.
But this time it's a bridge that allows us to pass without risking the guy with the traffic that runs through it.
Shortly after this bridge we arrive at another crossroads where this time the cobblestone walkway is the best ally to follow the right course.
A quick descent awaits us in which, without leaving the asphalt track on which we are going, we will arrive at the gates of the next objective of the day.
Ribadiso da Baixo (6h 50min) awaits us after crossing the mythical bridge over the river Iso that allows us to access the interior of this beautiful town.
The last part of the stage asks us again for an extra effort to recover part of the lost height from the moment we passed through Ribadiso.
The route crosses the town, leaving it behind, as well as a road to our left.
The itinerary leads us, as could not be otherwise, towards the national one where it seems that the ascent ends.
When we reach its height, on our left, an asphalted track leads us to the tunnel that will prevent us from crossing the dangerous national road.
Quickly we find another road that climbs from the national to an urbanized area to which we must go.
This journey through what looks like an urbanization, ends irremediably in the national that will be our companion until the end of the stage. Luckily we have a comfortable andadero that separates us from the traffic and guides us in all the crossroads through which we pass.
This last part, longer than we would like, takes us without allowing us any detour to the gates of the city where this day ends.
The sidewalks and then the buildings take possession of the landscape taking us without problems in a rectilinear run.
We advance, leaving to the left and right all the streets that leave our path, until we reach the courts, where in front of us we will see the information office to the pilgrim of Arzúa (7h 45min) place where this stage ends.
Your starting point and your destination determine the distance to be travelled.
It is a long day that becomes more bearable due to the number of towns we pass through and the landscapes offered by the forests we cross. The inexcusable visit to Melide and its pulperías will undoubtedly add an important amount of minutes that will force us to have well planned the day that we will undoubtedly be able to adapt to our needs, thanks in part to the large number of localities that are offered to us as an alternative at the end of the stage.
The green landscape and the leafy forests of eucalyptus and other replanted species give us all their splendour, one could say all year round. The shade of the thick forests accompanies us in summer allowing us to advance with greater comfort, the winter frosts leave a white carpet that mixes with the green of the meadows. The fogs, other protagonists that envelop us letting us intuit the blurred landscapes that surround us or bringing a whitish mantle to the valley to which we are heading.
Undoubtedly the boots cannot miss us although great part of the journey enjoys quite good firm, the barrizales and encharcadas zones that to good sure we have to find those make indispensable, also the constant descents force to take a footwear that brings us a greater stability that sure will avoid us injuries. Of course, both footwear and clothing must be adapted to very changing weather conditions depending on the time of year. The raincoat is another companion that cannot be missing in the backpack. Food, drink, sunglasses, sunscreen and a cap cannot be absent even though the multiple locations and shaded areas that the stage offers make us think the opposite. Consult our list of material and equipment to make the Way. Read more
Typical stage breaks legs with continuous slides and some ramp of sufficient magnitude to have to take it with a certain calm. To all it we have to add the mileage that grazes the thirty, in addition although we are in Galicia and a more benevolent climate is supposed to him, in summer we will have to support high temperatures that harden the required effort. Another factor to take into account, although this is more psychological than physical, is the passage through the city of Melide and the entry into Arzúa that are longer than initially expected making a dent in our tiredness.
As in all stages we must not fall into the error of thinking that the local roads and asphalt tracks on which we progress are for the exclusive use of pilgrims. The news of accidents by pilgrims, more frequent than it seems, shows us that this is not the case. The passage through any city is also something conflictive to surround us its bustle and constant crossings and it is not uncommon to see a pilgrim cross it without knowing very well where to go or without doing so by the appropriate places. Attention with the muddy sections, it is probable, to the being habitual that these are maintained almost during the whole year, that we have narrow footpaths that avoid us to muddy, but even so these zones are quite slippery. Also the stones on which we cross some river, without them being a skate, it is better to pass them with care assuring the footprint to avoid slips. No matter how much you tempt us, the national is not a good travel companion even for cyclists who do not carry a road bike, even though some pilgrims insist on following its winding layout in a strange belief of simplifying the route.
There are not a few crosses that we will have to face that, added to the transit through the big towns, complicate our progress. Even so, we can add to the marks in some crosses an enlosado andadero that leads us towards the continuation of the route. The paths and tracks are well defined but in some parts covered by branches and dry leaves that may cover some sign. The trunks of the trees are the solution found to locate the arrows, but the wood industry can play a trick on us by felling the tree with the painted sign. Luckily, some areas are being rehabilitated, improving both their condition and the signs in them.
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1-Palas de Rei | 0:00h | 554m | 0Km | 29T 592358 4747367 |
2-Carballal | 0:20h | 525m | 1.5Km | 29T 591079 4747128 |
3-San Xiao do Camiño | 0:50h | 469m | 3.4Km | 29T 589585 4747453 |
4-Ponte Campaña | 1:05h | 423m | 4.5Km | 29T 588640 4747921 |
5-Casanova | 1:30h | 480m | 5.7Km | 29T 587526 4747906 |
6-O Coto | 2:10h | 476m | 8.5Km | 29T 585056 4748537 |
7-Leboreiro | 2:25h | 448m | 9.2Km | 29T 584480 4748853 |
8-Desecabo | 2:30h | 438m | 9.6Km | 29T 584220 4749115 |
9-Furelos | 3:20h | 411m | 13.1Km | 29T 581672 4751211 |
10-Melide | 3:45h | 451m | 14.4Km | 29T 580529 4751693 |
11-Santa María de Melide | 4:00h | 425m | 15.5Km | 29T 579627 4751411 |
12-A Peroxa | 5:10h | 420m | 20Km | 29T 575630 4751849 |
13-Boente | 5:15h | 395m | 20.4Km | 29T 575259 4751903 |
14-A Fraga Alta | 5:55h | 413m | 22.5Km | 29T 573664 4752855 |
15-Ribadiso da Baixo | 6:50h | 304m | 25.7Km | 29T 570917 4753470 |
16-Arzúa | 7:45h | 386m | 28.6Km | 29T 568507 4753070 |
Coordinates UTM Datum WGS84
Slope: 1507m
Slope +: 671m
Slope -: 836m
Maximum altitude: 554m
Minimum altitude: 304m
This sketch of the route is not made to scale nor does it contain all the information relating to the area, it is merely indicative.
This schematic with the path is approximate and has been created from the derived cartographic base © Instituto Geográfico Nacional "Cuadrante 0096 1:50.000".
Senditur has manipulated the tracks to correct the aberrant points that may exist, caused by problems with the reception of the GPS signal. In any case the tracks are always approximate. SENDITUR encourages you to use the new technologies within your reach, using them as support and consultation in your activity, not basing the realization and orientation of the same only and exclusively on them, since they may see their functioning altered by very diverse causes, not functioning correctly and their indications may not be precise.
Find out what to see in...
¿Did you know that...
In the village of Melide, the Primitive Way joins the French Way and in Arzúa it is the North Way that does it, for all of us to travel together the last kilometres that separate them from Santiago de Compostela. This fact, as if by magic, multiplies the number of pilgrims with whom we coincide on the Way.
Don't miss out...
The cheese and octopus that can be tasted in this part of the Way and which enjoys international fame, the region of Arzúa is famous for its pure cow cheeses and Melide is famous for its exceptional octopus. These viands will surely not go unnoticed by the eyes of the pilgrim as they are present in virtually every place we pass through.
From the commitment of SENDITUR with Nature and the respect to the balance of the environment, SENDITUR urges you to travel in a responsible way, with low environmental impact and respecting at all times the Natural, Cultural and Social environment wherever you go.
Besides sharing with all of us your experience on the route we would be grateful if you could write to us to inform us of any erroneous or outdated information you may have found, or simply to let us know what you think at Thank you.
This route has been carried out in the field by SENDITUR on 11-10-2018. The route may vary greatly depending on the time of year, weather conditions and terrain, as well as the actions of third parties and the evolution suffered in the natural environment where it is located. All opinions, advice and/or assessments made by SENDITUR in their descriptions are for guidance only and are subject to and/or refer to the specific conditions of the specific day of the route, referring to that specific day, taken from trained people, with the appropriate experience and with a high level of physical and technical preparation as a reference, as well as correctly equipped.
All the times are approximate and take an orientative character, the stops have not been taken into account, no matter how small they are. All the information related to the route, texts, images, videos, maps, diagrams, tracks, towns, and places of tourist interest are published as a guide, and may not coincide with the current state of each place. Before undertaking any activity, assess your technical knowledge, your physical condition, find out about the weather and the variations that the route may undergo, equip yourself correctly, be prudent and responsible at all times, and do not exceed your capabilities. SENDITUR is not responsible for any misuse or inappropriate use of the comprehensive guides of its routes and/or publications as well as its electronic guides, nor for any variations in their descriptions for the aforementioned reasons, and recommends that everyone be responsible and prudent in carrying out the activity. We also encourage you to read books and specialised guides to complement the information described above.
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