A terrain undulated by the rivers that run through it, next to the natural border between the provinces of Lugo and A Coruña which is the Careón mountain range, is the setting chosen by the Primitive Way to travel the distance that separates San Romao da Retorta de Melide, where it joins the French Way in its advance towards Santiago de Compostela. A landscape full of fields of green pastures that, together with eucalyptus and pine forests, separate the small villages that look out over the Way of Saint James.
The stage 11 San Romao da Retorta-Lugo with 28,4 km does not normally start from San Romao da Retorta itself, as pilgrims who choose this place as the end and beginning of the stage find their accommodation well past this small village. Even so, this is the place where the Primitive Way is divided into two paths, the official one that continues towards Xanaz and Santa Cruz da Retorta, a small Romanesque chapel from the 12th century. The other option follows the old Roman Way, of which only a solitary milliary gives evidence of its existence at the exit of San Romao da Retorta. This somewhat shorter route than the official one has become the one chosen by many pilgrims who prefer its perfect layout until it joins again with the official Way in the place of Mosteiro and its Ponte Ferreira. Castrelo is another of the points from which we can still link or choose both routes, being the place from which many of the pilgrims really depart at the beginning of this stage. The Roman road then embarks on an undulating route that will take us through the village of O Burgo de Negral, where we will take note of the number of villages, places and parishes that we will visit today. Villages that in many occasions we barely manage to distinguish when one begins and the other ends. Villages such as Vilacarpide, to which we arrive next, or Pacio, where we can see the church of Santa María and its cruiser that dates back to 1876.
From here a long journey awaits us that will allow us to enjoy the unmistakable Galician landscape while we travel the distance that separates us from Pena da Galiña. This small place warns us of the near union with the official Way that arrives at the same time as our entrance in Mosteiro. Together we cross the historic Ferreira Bridge and the river that gives it its name, to follow the path that quickly takes us to another of the places that revolve around this symbolic bridge, Ferreira. The region of Ulloa, the last one to visit the Primitive Way in Lugo, is reluctant to let us go and sets before us villages such as A Leboreira, or beautiful and well-kept corners such as San Jorge de Aguasantas. Bucolic places of which it is difficult for the pilgrim to leave motivated, it must also be said, by the fatigue accumulated already at this point of the Primitive Way. San Xorxe and its small church, next to Montecelo, are the next villages that we will visit in this stage as we approach the mountain range that separates the provinces of Lugo and A Coruña. The road, which has been our travelling companion for so long, shows us signs of the near farewell as the route enters and leaves it, taking us from village to village from stream to stream. Merlán marks the moment of the first option that cyclists have to avoid the mountainous stretch towards which we are heading, giving them the possibility of following the asphalt in exchange for a larger detour. You will find the next option on our arrival at As Seixas, from where you can take this possible detour again. From this small village and after crossing the Merlán stream, we will undertake the ascent that, after passing through Casacamiño, will bring us closer to the surroundings of the Careón mountain range.
But before we climb its summits, the time will come to say goodbye to the last village that the Primitive Way takes us to visit in the province of Lugo, O Hospital das Seixas. From this beautiful village we go up the slope that separates us from the top of the mountain range to enter the concello de Toques, already in the province of A Coruña, and begin the descent that will bring us closer to Vilouriz. His church of Santiago bids us farewell to our march of the locality, to take us quickly to the final part of the stage. The Dos Lagares stream precedes our arrival at Vilamor de Arriba, which takes us past its church of San Estevo. From this village there is only a long road that will bring us closer with each step at the end of the stage while we continue to know more Galician villages such as Vilamor de Abaixo or Irago de Arriba. Without forgetting those that appear with the intention of greeting us on our way, as Compostela or Mascaño, from which we will set course directly to Melide, a city that holds the privilege of being chosen by the Primitive Way and the French Way to merge in the same Way of Santiago. Melide keeps jealous true treasures such as its Terra de Melide Museum or the church of San Pedro among other notable works of its artistic and historical heritage, which are undoubtedly the unbeatable framework for the point and end of this stage of the Primitive Way.
Melide, besides being the place where the French Way and the Primitive Way meet, is also one of the obligatory stops chosen by many pilgrims, and the point from which we will begin to notice the considerable difference in the influx of pilgrims that have both Ways, so it is advisable to arrive with a certain margin to avoid surprises, especially if we have not confirmed the accommodation.
A stage lasts as much by the distance as by the many kilometers by the asphalt that will harden, especially in summer, the exigency required to our friend. The fact of traveling on local roads should not make us neglect, as it is not uncommon to cross with a few vehicles, just as the entrance to Melide requires the usual caution to our passage through every city.
The many localities that we will pass do not guarantee that we have places where our companion can drink or we can replace the provisions, so we will have to take advantage of the places we find and replace what we lack.
The cattle and the dogs that accompany it continue being a habitual one in certain parts of this stage. In addition, the final stretch is full of farms and houses with their corresponding plot in which it is normal that some noisy dog lives.
Pilgrims in San Romao da Retorta (0h 00min) are faced with the dilemma of following the so-called Official Way or opting to follow the Roman Way, also known as the Calzada Romana.
Those who choose this option only have to cross the village following the asphalted track that brought them here, which will take them out of San Romao da Retorta.
This track leads us to the road that joins Gutín and Friol, which we must cross as our route continues its way to the other side.
We go along a perfect asphalt track, among the green fields so characteristic of Galicia. The track makes us the best guide leading us to the first locality of this stage.
We follow the pleasant route that allows us to take calmly the pulse to the day. A group of houses indicate us our arrival to Castrelo (0h 15min) towards which we go following the course of the road by which we arrived.
The route leads us through this small village where the pilgrims who made their way here at night have the possibility of turning off to take the official Way in the nearby Santa Cruz da Retorta.
At the end of the houses our track turns sharply around them, while we continue straight on following the path that starts there.
The path, in quite good condition, allows us to progress easily by moving away from the village we have passed.
The itinerary takes us to pass by the stream da Retorta at the same time that we leave to both sides the different paths that we find and that in the majority of the cases lead to the near fields.
We start a ramp of a certain size, where the water has left its mark along the path. We continue to gain height but without so much demand. As we advance, we continue to leave behind us the paths we came across.
The trees are gradually gaining ground making our journey even more pleasant if possible.
The track, as expected, begins to descend almost at the same time as the trees give up the conquered space again.
There are several paths that we cross, leaving all of them to one side while we follow the straight course of our track.
The route, almost at the end of the descent, turns abruptly making us leave a path behind us.
As soon as we turn, we leave behind another path covered by vegetation to continue the descent along the dirt track that continues to guide us without difficulty.
After passing this zigzagging area, in front of us, the next town that the Primitive Way takes us to know already extends.
Our track takes us to a crossroads, here we must cross to follow the road that descends towards the bulk of houses that make up this village, leaving to our left the first buildings that come out to receive us.
This road takes us down to O Burgo de Negral (0h 55min). This narrow road leads us through the village leaving to the left and right the paths that we find.
The route well delimited by the houses and the stone walls that mark the boundary of its land, allows us to enjoy with calm O Burgo de Negral that extends around the Primitive Way.
The itinerary takes us to a new crossroads that we have to cross to continue ascending. The slope becomes demanding again as we move away, not without effort, from the village we have just visited.
This local road that connects the different villages in the area will be our companion for a while. She will be in charge of guiding us from village to village in this section of the itinerary.
There will be several crossroads and roads that we will leave behind as we go from place to place.
Vilacarpide (1h 10min) is the first of the villages through which we will pass in this section of the Primitive Way.
Our road quickly takes us without further delay to Pacio (1h 25min) which extends around the layout of the road. The constant undulations of the terrain do not cease even as we pass through the localities and Pacio is not going to be an exception.
The road continues to serve as a reference to follow in the many paths and crossroads that we are passing as we cross this scattered village. Step by step we leave behind us every house that insists on extending our passage through Pacio.
The road fulfills its mission and makes us say goodbye to this town, leaving us completely surrounded by fields and groves.
There are still plenty of paths that we find ourselves on, in which in no case should we leave the road to follow them. We are before a long stretch of road without greater complication than the traffic that we can find rolling through it.
After a while we came across a crossroads, indicative of the near end of this variant, which has become the usual route of the Primitive Way. We cross to the other side to follow the road in front of us and begin the descent that will lead us to join the pilgrims who chose to follow the official route.
This road takes us without major complications to the village of Pena da Galiña (1h 50min). As soon as we arrive we will have to leave for a while the company of the road to continue descending towards our next objective.
Now we see ourselves crossing a perfect asphalted track that has taken the relay to the road by which we arrived. We lose height going from one place to another of those around the Ponte Ferreira. The asphalt and the stone walls make clear once again the correct route to follow.
Without anything alerting us of what happened, on our arrival at Mosteiro (1h 55min), we finish the Roman Way that we have followed, joining with the official Way so that together we can make our way to the tomb of the apostle.
The Ferreira River reminds us of part of the important Jacobean history that this place has, as we cross it over the old Roman bridge as so many pilgrims have done over the years.
From here we set a course to meet the road we had previously abandoned. An enlosado way takes us without delay until it, to take again its course that approaches us to the moment until Ferreira (2h 00min).
In the blink of an eye we left this place behind to continue with the gentle ascent that we have begun from the river.
Once again, the road is in charge of not letting us leave the line that it marks us. The trees envelop us in this stretch of road bringing us its appreciated freshness on hot days.
There are several crosses that we are going to find in this zone of the stage and in none of them we will leave the straight course that we are taking. We continue to gain height with enough intensity to not let us advance comfortably, although nothing compared to the ramps of previous days.
After one of these ramps, somewhat more intense, we arrive at another of the detours that will make us leave the company of the road for a while. We are at a crossroads from which several roads leave, we have to follow the track that partly keeps the course of the road away from it little by little, both separated by slender eucalyptus.
This track follows the line marked by this area of trees, crossing its perimeter, taking us unknowingly to the next village we have to pass.
Village of which, after surpassing this zone of trees, we can already contemplate its first buildings.
Our path is cut off by another road that crosses it from side to side, forcing us to turn a few meters to the right to find the continuation of the route that will introduce us to A Leboreira (2h 35min).
Once again the track we arrived on is in charge of driving us between the houses of the village crossing it quickly.
We will soon meet on the outskirts of A Leboreira, where we will leave another asphalted track on our right that goes towards the nearby road, to continue straight on, extending the reencounter with it a little longer.
We leave the village behind us while we follow a wide path surrounded by vegetation and fields that mark our journey.
A path that takes us with no detours other than the forced to reach its end, when it meets a track that comes from the road.
A track along which we will travel the few meters that separate us from it, to resume the route that it indicates to us.
But this stretch of road barely lasts, since we quickly find ourselves, in the middle of a curve, with another detour that makes us say goodbye to it again.
This small shortcut also avoids the sharp curve that the road draws and takes us to a beautiful corner of the Primitive Way. San Jorge de Aguasantas awaits us, as soon as we return to the asphalt, to let us enjoy the peace and tranquillity that overflows this spot, before returning to the grey road.
Once again, the road forces us to continue, making us pass by San Xorxe (2h 45min) without almost noticing it. We leave behind us this small village to continue advancing in a soft but continuous ascent.
Soon we arrive to a new detour in which we will leave the road again to follow the track that will introduce us in Montecelo (2h 50min).
We follow at all times the track that takes us to tour this village and the scattered houses that compose it. The track runs almost parallel to the road, leaving aside the accesses to the fields and buildings that we find.
Once again we postpone our return to the road for a short period of time, avoiding following the track that would take us to it.
Although irremediably a few meters ahead our track reaches its end leaving us at the mercy of the road.
But nothing could be further from the truth, since with a certain joy we can see that on the other side of the road there is another path that we will have to continue, and that is that we will no longer step on the asphalt of this road, a companion for so many kilometres.
This part of the route makes us descend following the path, surrounded by the leafy trees that populate this area. The path is in quite good condition, although with a lot of loose stone, it takes us out of any doubt that the few junctions we pass can create us.
Once again, the path ends when we arrive at a new local road that will be in charge of leading us to the next village through which this stage of the Primitive Way passes.
The small village of Merlán (3h 00min), which extends along the road, marks the beginning of the long ascent that will take us to save the Sierra de Careón, whose mountains we will soon see clearly in front of us.
We follow the ascending course of the road saying goodbye to Merlán and heading towards a new detour. In the middle of the curve of the road, to our left, begins a narrow path by which we will continue leaving the road.
This path runs between the high slopes that limit it on both sides without giving it any margin. The undergrowth takes hold of the landscape as we continue our ascent without leaving the marked path.
The narrow path takes us to a wide track surrounded by green meadows and without the obstacles that did not allow us to contemplate the landscape that surrounded us. This track takes us through this merely agricultural area passing by the pavilions.
The route meets again with the different paths that give access to these lands, but the state of our track and the walls that border it serve as a reference to follow in case of doubt.
We continue with the sight already set on the next village whose first buildings are already clearly visible.
As in previous occasions the dispersion of the houses that compose it lengthen our arrival or better said our passage through it.
The track that brought us here comes to an end cut by the access road to the town, road that we will continue along As Seixas (3h 15min). Here cyclists who do not want to face the stretches of mountainous terrain that await us can follow this road in the opposite direction towards O Castro da Seixas and from there continue in search of the road that borders this hill in front of us, joining again the Primitive Way in O Hospital da Seixas.
We cross this last zone of houses of As Seixas following the way, already turned into street of the village, that takes us towards the outskirts of the locality.
Without further detours we begin a short descent that will definitely take us away from the village. The well-defined path takes us past the Merlán River to begin to gain altitude.
Our path is divided in two, being the option on the right the one we have to follow.
Once again the track we are going to divide again, although this time is the track on the left by which we will continue ascending.
The route looks for the best way to save the hill that stands in our way, gaining height while cutting its skirt.
The ascent does not give way, although the good condition of the track partly facilitates the task we are doing.
We leave behind several paths until we arrive at a new detour that will introduce us again in the shade of the trees. The slope has given us a small breath that together with the freshness of the trees let us recover the breath.
The path takes us directly to Casacamiño (3h 45min) guided by the walls that delimit the land of each building in the village.
Arriving at the very heart of Casacamiño the itinerary turns abruptly to resume the ascent, taking us out at the moment of the village.
This track of mistreated asphalt seems to direct us towards the pavilions that to our arrival to the village we saw on our heads.
On reaching its height, the route leaves the track to follow a path that runs along the foothills of the mountain, making us leave its summit at our right hand.
This part of the stage follows a poorly defined path, with the Careón mountain range populated by wind mills on its left and the top of the mountain that is furrowing on its right.
We continue to gain height, but the itinerary does not allow us to reach the top of the nearby peak we are visiting. This area needs to be attentive because even though it is more treaded than the rest of the terrain, the trail we are going through has areas in which the vegetation blurs it and in the event of fog if we leave its layout it will be difficult to find it again.
From among the trees, the roofs of the houses of the village towards which we are heading are already sticking out. The unevenness has long since become less demanding, even beginning to make us lose height as we approach the village.
This descent takes us to a new road where we will continue to lose height as we approach the first houses in the village we are about to see.
We quickly reach the turn-off that will introduce us to O Hospital das Seixas (4h 10min), the last town on the Primitive Way as it passes through the province of Lugo.
The route crosses this small village and begins the final ascent to the Sierra de Careón. The perfect track takes us out of O Hospital das Seixas leaving behind the houses that make it up.
A new road will make it easier for us to cross this mountain range, thus avoiding trails or mountain paths. We continue to gain height without leaving the asphalt, with the mills watching us at the top of the mountain.
The ascent comes to an end at the same time as we leave on both sides the tracks that cross this elevated area of the mountain range.
In front of us there is still a long stretch of road in a gentle descent that will allow us to enjoy the surroundings. The pines have given way to the green pastures which extend as far as the eye can see while the road continues to be our inseparable companion.
We advance leaving behind as many crossroads and roads as we can, following the course marked by the asphalt.
After a while we arrive at the time to say goodbye to the road, to which we will return later. Now we see ourselves following a wide dirt road surrounded by the vegetation that separates us from the fields that surround us.
This new path takes us without too many complications almost parallel to the road but separating us from it with each step.
A track cuts through our path making us cross it to continue our course. The path embedded between earth slopes and covered by the vegetation that protects it from the sun, leads us to the nearby village we are about to reach.
The route goes towards the first houses of the locality. We descend following the street that will take us to the very centre of Vilouriz (4h 50min).
The itinerary crosses the village taking as reference the road of access to the same one.
This road that acts as a street guides us through Vilouriz towards the outskirts of the town.
We say goodbye to this village, without leaving for now the course that marks us the road.
Soon, when we seem to be arriving at another village, we will come across the path we must follow without even approaching it. The wide road makes us leave this village on our right while taking us away from it.
Without prior notice we go to a new dirt track that will accompany us in this part of the stage.
The track, well defined in comparison with the paths that are found, leads us without worries between the fields and the wooded areas that surround the route.
The descent continues to take us to the Dos Lagares River, which we cross to undertake a new section of ascent.
Our path, after this stretch of hard ascent, takes us to a new road which we will continue without so much slope.
This road brings us to Vilamor de Arriba (5h 15min) which we reach quickly.
We pass next to the church of the locality leaving it to our right hand to continue entering us in Vilamor de Arriba.
The road that we had abandoned some time ago is once again claiming its prominence, although we will delay your company for a few more metres.
In the road we will take again the descent without the itinerary allows us more detours. Almost at the moment we see ourselves crossing Vilamor de Abaixo (5h 20min).
A long stretch of road awaits us in front of us, by which we will reach Melide itself.
This area plagued with small fields and pastures allows us to move forward with some comfort and speed.
Irago de Arriba (5h 30min) is just a small sample of the different places and villages that we will go through in this final part of the stage.
The road is the reference to follow at all times, without for any reason we must leave your company. The terrain continues to give us continuous ups and downs that cut us the good rhythm that the road would allow us.
There will be enough junctions that we will pass, nor will there be scarce vehicle traffic on this road.
The road continues to lead us without major complications in search of the end of this stage of the Primitive Way.
A group of houses more compact than those we find indicate the proximity to O Mascaño, where we will find the entrance road to Melide.
From here we will only have to follow its course, for this we will have the sidewalk that will separate us from the abundant traffic that circulates through it. A road that will make us pass unknowingly through O Forte Novo, shortly before reaching the vicinity of the town where the stage ends.
We will enter Melide without leaving the road we arrived on, which has already become a street in the city and takes us into it.
The street through which we enter comes to an end, time to look for any of the pedestrian crossings that will allow us to cross to continue entering the town. The tower of the church towards which we are heading precedes our arrival at the Plaza del Convento.
In this square will be several marks and signs that advise us to go to the different hostels. The Way of Saint James, however, continues straight ahead, leaving the tower behind and the street through which we enter.
This street takes us without any detour to Rúa San Pedro, so called because in that same place was located the chapel of San Pedro.
It is when arriving at this street of Melide (7h 00min) where the Primitive Way joins with the French Way to together cross this Rúa San Pedro and leave the locality, and it is here where we end this stage of the Primitive Way.
As always our starting point and our destination will mark the actual distance of the stage.
The good condition of most of the stage will allow us to advance with a certain speed, although the ascent to the Sierra de Careón will take us a long time. The many villages that we will pass can also increase the time by inciting us with more stops than usual.
Except very punctual days we should not have any problem so much to carry out the route as to enjoy it, that yes the fog in the part in which we cross the mountain range or in the sections of road can play us a bad trick. For the rest the landscapes continue being spectacular and they will give us some beautiful panoramic. As along the whole Primitive Way, out of season the villages and many of the towns reduce their activity to that of their people so we must organize beforehand all the infrastructure and resources we need.
The type of terrain, mostly asphalt and tracks in good condition, allows under normal conditions that we wear a comfortable footwear, type trekking shoe. The walking sticks will reduce the effort required by the ramps we will pass through. The many kilometres on the road make it advisable to wear a reflective object or garment in a visible manner. It is not superfluous to throw more water and food in the backpack than usual, wherever we have occasion. The passage of the Primitive Way through the mountain range will leave us at the mercy of the winds that beat it, so the thermal sensation can be somewhat cool in that part of the stage, even if it is hot in the rest. You can not miss the typical sunscreen, hat, glasses and cream, nor the camera, as the landscape deserves it. Consult our list of material and equipment to make the Way. Read more
Once again we are facing a stage that will require a good physical condition on our part, kilometers and ramps of a certain entity, which added to those that we already carry in our legs make this a hard stage although less than it might seem. The entry into Melide is longer than expected, and psychologically it may affect you more than expected. Watch out on hot days to hydrate and eat well is essential to make the route less demanding.
Under normal conditions the traffic that we will find along the route is all we should be aware of. It is true that if it rains or has rained we can find muddy areas or waterlogged. The worst stretch will pass when cutting the skirt of the mountain, way of the mountain range that we must cross, to be a mountainous terrain less marked or conditioned than the rest.
There will be many crossroads and paths that we will leave behind, but thanks to the signposting and the marked route that follows in each place the itinerary of the Primitive Way should not have major complications. The only section in which we are most exposed to possible confusion is the one that brings us closer to the mountain range crossing the mountain, since the terrain is less marked and with little visibility is relatively easy to get lost, luckily this area does not have junctions, but the path is blurred in certain areas by the vegetation that covers it. Melide is another of the points where the marks of the Way encourage us to separate from its correct course, fact that pilgrims who do not make night in this city may cost a small and unnecessary detour.
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1-San Romao da Retorta | 0:00h | 580m | 0 Km | 29T 602899 4756623 |
2-Castrelo | 0:15h | 585m | 0.9Km | 29T 602187 4756130 |
3-O Burgo | 0:55h | 512m | 3.8Km | 29T 599823 4756243 |
4-Vilacarpide | 1:10h | 561m | 4.8Km | 29T 598998 4756408 |
5-Pacio | 1:25h | 546m | 5.7Km | 29T 598360 4756145 |
6-Pena da Galiña | 1:50h | 544m | 7.5Km | 29T 596581 4755942 |
7-Mosteiro | 1:55h | 527m | 7.9Km | 29T 596556 4755592 |
8-Ferreira | 2:00h | 540m | 8.3Km | 29T 596244 4755525 |
9-A Leboreira | 2:35h | 603m | 10.4Km | 29T 594253 4755226 |
10-San Xorxe | 2:45h | 573m | 11.5Km | 29T 593382 4754899 |
11-Montecelo | 2:50h | 576m | 12Km | 29T 592893 4754951 |
12-Merlán | 3:00h | 548m | 12.9Km | 29T 591990 4755004 |
13-As Seixas | 3h 15h | 586m | 13.8Km | 29T 591172 4755052 |
14-Casacamiño | 3:45h | 640m | 15.3Km | 29T 589970 4754917 |
15-O Hospital das Seixas | 4:10h | 661m | 16.6Km | 29T 589716 4755893 |
16-Vilouriz | 4:50h | 566m | 19.7Km | 29T 586988 4754995 |
17-Vilamor de Arriba | 5:15h | 502m | 21.6Km | 29T 585467 4755057 |
18-Vilamor de Abaixo | 5:20h | 492m | 22Km | 29T 585115 4755015 |
19-Irago de Arriba | 5:30h | 449m | 22.8Km | 29T 584451 4754743 |
20-Melide | 7:00h | 455m | 28.4Km | 29T 580310 4751759 |
Coordinates UTM Datum WGS84
Slope: 1451m
Slope +: 663m
Slope -: 788m
Maximum altitude: 750m
Minimum altitude: 440m
This sketch of the route is not made to scale nor does it contain all the information relating to the area, it is merely indicative.
This schematic with the path is approximate and has been created from the derived cartographic base © Instituto Geográfico Nacional "Cuadrante 096 y 097, 1:50.000"
Senditur has manipulated the tracks to correct the aberrant points that may exist, caused by problems with the reception of the GPS signal. In any case they are always approximate. SENDITUR encourages you to use the new technologies within your reach, using them as support and consultation in your activity, not basing the realization and orientation of the same only and exclusively on them, since they may see their functioning altered by very diverse causes, not functioning correctly and their indications may not be precise.
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¿Did you know that...
In Arzúa, which is the next city through which the Primitive Way passes, already hand in hand with the French Way, the pilgrims who have been following the Coastal or Northern Way, as it is also known, are joined to both, although the latter meaning includes more Ways within its coverage.
Don't miss out...
The rich and typical Galician gastronomy of which Melide boasts, famous among pilgrims who organize their stages to enjoy it either at lunch or dinner, and which has become another of the milestones that every pilgrim has noted with capital letters in his road map.
From the commitment of SENDITUR with Nature and the respect to the balance of the environment, SENDITUR urges you to travel in a responsible way, with low environmental impact and respecting at all times the Natural, Cultural and Social environment wherever you go.
Besides sharing with all of us your experience on the route we would be grateful if you could write to us to inform us of any erroneous or outdated information you may have found, or simply to let us know what you think at Thank you.
This route has been carried out in the field by SENDITUR on 22-11-2018. The route may vary greatly depending on the time of year, weather conditions and terrain, as well as the actions of third parties and the evolution suffered in the natural environment where it is located. All opinions, advice and/or assessments made by SENDITUR in their descriptions are for guidance only and are subject to and/or refer to the specific conditions of the specific day of the route, referring to that specific day, taken from trained people, with the appropriate experience and with a high level of physical and technical preparation as a reference, as well as correctly equipped.
All the times are approximate and take an orientative character, the stops have not been taken into account, no matter how small they are. All the information related to the route, texts, images, videos, maps, diagrams, tracks, towns, and places of tourist interest are published as a guide, and may not coincide with the current state of each place. Before undertaking any activity, assess your technical knowledge, your physical condition, find out about the weather and the variations that the route may undergo, equip yourself correctly, be prudent and responsible at all times, and do not exceed your capabilities. SENDITUR is not responsible for any misuse or inappropriate use of the comprehensive guides of its routes and/or publications as well as its electronic guides, nor for any variations in their descriptions for the aforementioned reasons, and recommends that everyone be responsible and prudent in carrying out the activity. We also encourage you to read books and specialised guides to complement the information described above.
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