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Did you know that... Salceda

In the parish of San Verísimo de Ferreiros, belonging to the municipality of O Pino, is located southeast of the province of La Coruña. The Way of Saint James passes through it and also crosses the villages of Calle, Boavista and O Castro. These lands were populated from remote times, as evidenced by the archaeological remains found, especially from the time of the castros. The name of many of the villages through which the Jacobean route passes is intrinsically related to it, as is the case of Calle. Very close to this village there was a hospital for pilgrims, that of San Mamede, which depended on the convent of La Magdalena de Arzúa.

Salceda, Calle, Boavista y O Castro

To discover What to see in Calle, Boavista, O Castro and Salceda?

In Calle you can appreciate a rural architecture and several hórreos. Leaving the village in the direction of Boavista, between orchards and cornfields, you pass through a passadoiro, a pedestrian bridge that crosses, in the place of Lengüello, the pools made by the stream of Igrexari. Immediately you can see the tower of the parish church of San Verísimo de Ferreiros, reconstructed on the remains of an older one. Boavista begins to notice its proximity to the city of the Apostle, as there are only about 28 kilometers left. Between vegetation and Jacobean details, O Castro is left behind to reach Salceda, which according to 18th century references placed it on the Way, not stretched out on the side of the road. In this area the constructions play harmoniously with the vegetation.

Pilgrims on the Way of Saint James


The parish of San Verísimo de Ferreiros celebrates its patron saint, San Verísimo or San Breixo, on the 1st of October, in addition to participating with the rest of the town council in fairs and common festivities.

The Legend

At the exit of Salceda a small and curious monument, some bronze boots guarded in a niche in a wall, reminds the Belgian pilgrim Guillerme Watt who died here, at the gates of Compostela.

Get to Salceda, Calle, Boavista and O Castro by car

Salceda is located on the N-547 that joins Santiago de Compostela and Lugo and it is on this road where you will find the accesses that lead to Calle, Boavista and O Castro.

By bus

Salceda has a metropolitan bus service every day of the week that connects it with nearby towns and Santiago. Also the regular transport service that covers the route Santiago-Lugo every day of the week and in different schedules, has stop in Salceda.

By train

The closest train station to Salceda is Santiago de Compostela.

By airplane

The nearest airport is Lavacolla in Santiago.



O Castro


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List of Routes
  • Closeness
  • First name
  • Difficulty
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  • Assessment

5:10 h.19.5 km.

Stage 29 O Pedrouzo-Santiago de Compostela
Difficulty-MediumGreen difficulty category, level 3. Stages of moderate distance and unevenness, not overcoming either great distances or unevenness.

4:55 h.19.6 km.

Stage 28 Arzúa-O Pedrouzo
Difficulty-MediumGreen difficulty category, level 3. Stages of moderate distance and unevenness, not overcoming either great distances or unevenness.

7:45 h.28.6 km.

Stage 27 Palas de Rei-Arzúa
Difficulty-ModerateRed difficulty category, level 1. More demanding stages, either because they are longer, more uneven or have a specific difficulty.
Museum Fortress of San Paio de Narla
Castronela, Lugo
Museum Fortress of San Paio de Narla

One of the oldest castles in the province of Lugo

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