The Sierra of Moncalvillo and more specifically the Alto of the Nevera, in Sojuela, are the places to which the Path of the Neveras brings us. This route is a walk through culture and tradition that takes us back to past times, but not before submerging us in an exuberant nature that surrounds us, showing us all its splendour. Beeches, oaks and a great variety of species that inhabit this land, together with its privileged location that gives us magnificent panoramic views of the Ebro valley and even on days of good visibility reaching to see the distant Pyrenees, submerges us in its majestic beauty.
The Path of the Neveras with only 14 km in total, takes us from the beautiful town of Sojuela, located on a hill in the valley, to the top of the Sierra de Moncalvillo where the Neveras are located. The church of Santa María, built in 1546, marks the starting point of the Path of the Neveras. A route that hides beautiful and pleasant corners, such as the recreational area of the Sojuela raft where in addition to taking a break we can contemplate the curious vegetation of the area as is the Japanese Cherry and the Bludeja or Shrub of Butterflies.
There are many paths that run through this place, sometimes sharing part of its layout as with the Path of the Miller, a wide circular route with departure and arrival in Sojuela. The water in its different states is another of the protagonists of the route, the Chorro of the Bees and the curious Fountain of the Ojosa are places of obligatory visit. At the top of the mountain, the Neveras await us with a set of four snow tanks that have supplied the city of Logroño with ice for years.
The production, conservation and transport of ice was an art that was transmitted from generation to generation, although in this place it is not only possible to appreciate how the precious ice was obtained, we will also be able to observe the Carboneras where the precious coal was made for the localities and the forges of the zone. Finally, the top of the Alto of the Nevera will offer us an unbeatable balcony from where to contemplate, for example, the Sierra Cebollera with its significant summit of Table Cebollera.
For those who are less accustomed to walking and do not want to miss this beautiful corner of the Neveras, there is the possibility of reaching them following the asphalted track that ascends to the nearby Moncalvillo antennas, once there and in the opposite direction to these, a short path brings us closer to our goal.
Sojuela is in the middle of the LR-341 that connects, at the height of Ventosa, the A-12 or Autovía del Camino, between Logroño and Burgos, with the N-111 between Logroño and Soria at the height of Nalda. This same road connects Sojuela with the nearby municipalities of Medrano, Daroca de Rioja, Hornos de Moncalvillo and Sotés. You can also get there via LR-445 from Entrena, which can be reached either from Navarrete or from Logroño. Once in Sojuela the beginning of the route will be found in the Calle Mayor next to the church of the town. The main street can be reached both if we arrive at the town by the road to Medrano or if we do it by the road to Entrena, Once there we can leave our vehicle easily to start the journey.
Ideal route for our companion, demanding because of the difference in height to be covered and the distance, but without any major complications, almost entirely on dirt tracks and paths in good condition, yes the first section is by asphalt and it is common to find some traffic that goes to the crops so, along with the crossroads with the road, are the areas where we must pay extreme attention.
Although we will find quite a few places where you can drink and refresh is not too much to bring some water, especially in summer. The route is divided into a couple of sections of almost the same distance, one totally shady and the other fully exposed to the sun.
To our exit of Sojuela we will pass by some pavilions where we will meet their guard dogs, usually inside the enclosures. It is also very normal to meet the native fauna that are at large around the place.
The route starts next to the church of Sojuela (0h 00min) from where we descend down the Main Street and with the view set on the mountains of Moncalvillo where we go.
Without deviating in the streets that we are finding, we arrive until the road that we have to cross.
Just in front of us begins an asphalted track where the route continues leaving the town behind us.
After a few metres, the track splits in two, and you must follow the option on the left, leaving an agricultural pavilion on your right.
The path that is still paved is divided again a few steps later, when we say goodbye to the Path of the Miller, to continue along the track on the right that follows our route. We continue moving away from Sojuela walking among crops that step by step are disappearing replaced by the lush vegetation that accompanied us for much of the route.
Say goodbye to the asphalt road just as it turns sharply to the right. The dirt track that starts at this point will lead us to the recreational area Raft of Sojuela (0h 20min).
The itinerary borders La Balsa crossing this recreational zone where we will already be able to contemplate the variety of arboreal species that inhabit in this zone. The track that borders The raft marks the end of the recreational area, a few meters to our right crossing this track, begins the path where we must follow.
Once we have saved the small water dribble, which usually floods the area during the rainy or thawing season, we will continue with the gentle ascent.
This new path is soon cut off by another track that ascends from the valley, which we will continue to turn left. This track gives us the opportunity to enjoy some beautiful panoramic views, as well as showing us a varied vegetation.
The ascent continues for now without deviating from the main road leaving behind a few crossings. The noise of the water indicates that we approach the Jet of the Bees (0h 40min), where we will meet again with the Path of the Miller, which joins us just where the path turns sharply to the right.
If we want to get close to the Jet of the Bees we will only have to turn off a few meters following the path by which the other route arrives until here.
Our route follows the drawing made by the track on which we arrived to quickly find another crossroads, where we will say goodbye again to the Path of the Miller that continues down the right. We continue the ascent towards our objective following the course that marks the valley.
A little further on we have to leave the path, as the route follows a trail that starts on our right. This trail begins a somewhat more demanding ascent by cutting the hillside of the mountain.
The vegetation offers us scarce areas of shade that are thankful the days of heat, the height that we are gaining and the clearness of the land allows us to contemplate the beautiful views that surround us. The trail leads to a wide track bordered by a lush pine forest.
The route crosses this track and enters the forest to quickly turn left and follow, flanked on each side, by a row of pines that mark the course.
This part, which is much more comfortable, comes to an end when the trail we are following turns to the right again, at which time a considerable ramp begins that makes us face it calmly.
This part of the ascent is equipped with steps, which try to be a help. Luckily, the route turns again, recovering the course of the valley and the relative comfort of the ascent.
Without leaving the trail at any time we go through the forest interspersed with some areas that have more unevenness with others that allow us to move easily.
The route crosses on several occasions the usually dry streams that run through this section. Almost without realizing it, the vegetation has changed and the predominance of pines is no longer so evident.
The trail ends in a track that, in a gentle descent, brings us closer to the stream of Sojuela, but before reaching it we have to divert, saving the embankment of the track, to return to take the trail that led us to the Neveras.
Once the earth slope has been overcome, the trail returns to make us gain height and brings us closer to the stream to finally walk next to it.
The Fountain of the Ojosa (1h 55min) awaits us just where the stream disappears from our sight, we will have to detour a few meters to contemplate this curious corner.
We continue with the ascent, now with the valley to our right we are gaining height and you can already sense between the trees the close profile of the mountain.
This part of the ascent, with more unevenness than the one brought until now, takes us to ford the stream, to leave the valley again to our left.
The Neveras of Sojuela (2h 15min), hidden among the leafy vegetation, appear before us suddenly marking the end of this hard stretch.
After visiting the place that houses the different neveras we can approach the nearby top of the Alto of the Nevera (2h 20min), where we can enjoy spectacular views. We will return to Sojuela following the same itinerary that brought us here.
Our starting point as well as our route through the coolers will mark the final distance of the route.
Total time without stops, the detours to contemplate the Chorro of the Bees and the Fountain of the Ojosa do not suppose a significant time. If, on the other hand, we approac:the Balcony of Sojuela in this case we would have to add one 10 min to the total time of the journey.
Autumn offers us a spectacle of colours that we cannot miss, winter is the moment to find the neveras wit:snow. On the other hand, certain areas of the route, the forest and the proximity of the stream offer us their coolness to enjoy the place in summer. Spring is another ideal time to contemplate the colourful nature that covers these mountains.
To the clothes and footwear according to the time of the year and to the meteorological conditions we have to add in the rucksack the canteen wit:water and some food that we cannot miss. Depending on the time of the year the terrain may be muddy, so the footwear is advisable to withstand moisture. We could not miss the photo camera, sun protection (sunglasses and sun cream), also some binoculars can allow us to contemplate in more detail the magnificent views of the place. Attention in winter it may be necessary to bring specific material for snow and ice, we should not be fooled by the relative low height of the Alto of the Nevera. Consult our list of material and equipment for hiking. Read more.
Without large ramps, the route is in continuous ascent practically from its beginning, whic:added to the total distance hardens the route more. It is true that wit:calm and without haste it would not have to suppose major problems if we are accustomed to carrying out this type of routes. The heat in the first part of the journey can be a factor that makes the journey more demanding, so we can not miss the canteen.
Severity of the environment
Basically by track and trails in good condition, initially we will only find a few areas wit:steeper slopes and a more irregular road surface that should not be a problem. Wading the streams does not have to be very difficult either, as their flow usually allows them to be crossed without funambulismos by the stones. Mud and snow can complicate the route especially in the areas wit:the steepest slopes, so it is not superfluous to know the state of the route, to prepare what is necessary.
Perfectly signposted, at eac:crossroads you will find posts wit:the indications and along the route orange and green marks that will help you bot:uphill and downhill. It is important to pay attention to the indications, since the route shares sections and crosses wit:others that cross the zone being easy to confuse, if we are not attentive. In the section of pat:that crosses the outside of the forest we will be able to see stones that still conserve old blue marks and that in case of fog can serve us as reference in this zone. It is important not to leave the marked route as there are many paths and trails that run throug:the Sierra of Moncalvillo.
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1-Sojuela | 0:00h | 672m | 0Km | 30T 537457 4690958 |
2-Sojuela raft | 0:20h | 725m | 1.2Km | 30T 536622 4690257 |
3-Stream of the Bees | 0:40h | 816m | 2.4Km | 30T 535725 4689903 |
4-Fountain of the Ojosa | 1:55h | 1186m | 5.6Km | 30T 533808 4687874 |
5-Fridges of Sojuela | 2:15h | 1398m | 6.8Km | 30T 533262 4687058 |
6-Hig:of the Fridge | 2:20h | 1425m | 7Km | 30T 533116 4687040 |
7-Sojuela | 3:50h | 672m | 14Km | 30T 537457 4690958 |
Coordinates UTM Datum WGS84
Slope: 1586m
Slope +: 793m
Slope -: 793m
Maximum altitude: 1425m
Minimum altitude: 652m
This sketc:of the route is not made to scale nor does it contain all the information relating to the area, it is merely indicative.
This schematic wit:the pat:is approximate and has been created from the derived cartographic base © Instituto Geográfico Nacional "Cuadrante 203-4 1:25.000"
Senditur has manipulated the tracks to correct the aberrant points that may exist, caused by problems wit:the reception of the GPS signal. In any case the tracks are always approximate. SENDITUR encourages you to use the new technologies within your reach, using them as support and consultation in your activity, not basing the realization and orientation of the same only and exclusively on them, since they may see their functioning altered by very diverse causes, not functioning correctly and their indications may not be precise.
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¿Did you know that...
The Neveras were in operation until the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century, its origins dating back to the sixteenth century. These ingenious were able to maintain the ice, even in the summer months, thanks in part to their location and the roof that maintained the conditions for this to happen.
Don't miss out...
The House of the Snow of Moncalvillo, that you will find next to the church of Sojuela in the same building of the city council of this locality. This is the interpretation center of the neveras that has various information and where we can arrange guided tours to the neveras.
From the commitment of SENDITUR with Nature and the respect to the balance of the environment, SENDITUR urges you to travel in a responsible way, with low environmental impact and respecting at all times the Natural, Cultural and Social environment wherever you go.
Besides sharing with all of us your experience on the route we would be grateful if you could write to us to inform us of any erroneous or outdated information you may have found, or simply to let us know what you think at Thank you.
This route has been carried out in the field by SENDITUR on 09-02-2022. The route may vary greatly depending on the time of year, weather conditions and terrain, as well as the actions of third parties and the evolution suffered in the natural environment where it is located. All opinions, advice and/or assessments made by SENDITUR in their descriptions are for guidance only and are subject to and/or refer to the specific conditions of the specific day of the route, referring to that specific day, taken from trained people, with the appropriate experience and with a high level of physical and technical preparation as a reference, as well as correctly equipped.
All the times are approximate and take an orientative character, the stops have not been taken into account, no matter how small they are. All the information related to the route, texts, images, videos, maps, diagrams, tracks, towns, and places of tourist interest are published as a guide, and may not coincide with the current state of each place. Before undertaking any activity, assess your technical knowledge, your physical condition, find out about the weather and the variations that the route may undergo, equip yourself correctly, be prudent and responsible at all times, and do not exceed your capabilities. SENDITUR is not responsible for any misuse or inappropriate use of the comprehensive guides of its routes and/or publications as well as its electronic guides, nor for any variations in their descriptions for the aforementioned reasons, and recommends that everyone be responsible and prudent in carrying out the activity. We also encourage you to read books and specialised guides to complement the information described above.
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